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In accordance with section 15 2 a of the Income tax Act, the Commissioner General issues guidelines on the provision for bad debts for tax purposes. A debt shall be considered to have become bad if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to have become uncollectable after all reasonable steps have been taken to collect it. A bad debt shall be a deductible expense only if it is wholly and exclusively incurred in the normal course of business.

Виртуальный стенд

Статистика 28 Kidsпоинтов. Выставка «Мир детства». Фабрика Фантазий. Рейтинг компаний kids-поинты.

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Provision for Bad Debts

The Orthodox International Youth Festival «Bratya» « Brothers », [1] [2] [3] Russian: Православный молодёжный международный фестиваль «Братья» is an annual Russian Orthodox youth festival [4] organized by a group of activists from Mozhaysk , Russia, with the support of various Eastern Orthodox communities, public organizations and individuals. The festival is based on complementary components: stage performances; education; informal communication both with the clergy and with each other. The festival «Bratya» was first held in July and since are being held every summer. Since , the winter session of festival "Bratya", also called "Bratya in Winter" was added, and is held annually on February. The summer festival is held as an open-air tent camp event, [5] winter one is usually based in hotels and less populous.

Виртуальный стенд «СИМА-ЛЕНД, ТД, ООО»
BBBike @ SanktPetersburg - Cycle Route Planner SanktPetersburg - street names
Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/Russian - Wikipedia

Немецкий язык. Шекспир, Уильям. Ньютон, Исаак.

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